The Essential Tools Used by Arborists to Safely Cut Down Trees

Discover the essential tools used by arborists to safely and effectively cut down trees. From chainsaws to hand pruners, each tool has its own purpose and is crucial for tree removal tasks.

The Essential Tools Used by Arborists to Safely Cut Down Trees

As an arborist, one of the most important tasks is to safely and efficiently cut down trees. Whether it's for tree removal, pruning, or trimming, having the right tools is crucial for the job. But what exactly do arborists use to cut down trees? In this article, we'll take a closer look at the essential tools used by arborists to safely and effectively remove trees.

The Chainsaw: A Staple Tool for Arborists

When it comes to cutting down trees, the chainsaw is the go-to tool for arborists. This powerful handheld saw is designed specifically for cutting through wood and is an essential tool in any arborist's arsenal.

With a sharp and durable chain attached to a motorized engine, chainsaws can easily cut through even the thickest of tree trunks. There are various types of chainsaws available, including gas-powered, electric, and battery-powered options. Each type has its own advantages and disadvantages, but all are capable of cutting down trees effectively. Gas-powered chainsaws are typically more powerful and can handle larger trees, while electric and battery-powered options are more lightweight and easier to maneuver. When using a chainsaw, arborists must follow strict safety protocols to prevent accidents. This includes wearing protective gear such as gloves, eye and ear protection, and a hard hat.

Proper training and experience are also necessary to operate a chainsaw safely.

The Pruning Saw: Perfect for Smaller Trees

For smaller trees or branches that are out of reach, arborists may use a pruning saw. This hand-held saw has a curved blade that is ideal for cutting through smaller branches with precision. Unlike chainsaws, pruning saws do not require any power source and are operated manually. Pruning saws come in various sizes and shapes, with some designed for specific types of trees or branches. They are also lightweight and easy to carry, making them a convenient tool for arborists to have on hand.

However, they are not suitable for cutting through larger trees or thick branches.

The Pole Saw: Reaching New Heights

For taller trees or branches that are out of reach, arborists may use a pole saw. This tool is essentially a pruning saw attached to a long pole, allowing arborists to reach heights of up to 20 feet or more. Pole saws are ideal for trimming or pruning trees without the need for a ladder or climbing equipment. There are two types of pole saws: manual and powered. Manual pole saws require the user to pull on a rope to operate the saw, while powered pole saws have a motorized engine.

Powered pole saws are more efficient and can handle thicker branches, but they are also heavier and more expensive.

The Hand Pruner: Precision Cutting for Delicate Trees

For delicate trees or plants, arborists may use a hand pruner. This tool is designed for precision cutting and is ideal for removing small branches or deadwood. Hand pruners come in various sizes and shapes, with some designed specifically for certain types of trees or plants. Hand pruners are lightweight and easy to use, making them a popular tool among arborists. They also come with different cutting mechanisms, such as bypass or anvil, each with its own advantages.

However, hand pruners are not suitable for cutting through larger branches or trees.

The Loppers: Cutting Through Thick Branches

For thicker branches that are too big for hand pruners, arborists may use loppers. These tools are essentially larger versions of hand pruners and are designed for cutting through branches up to 2 inches in diameter. Loppers have long handles that provide more leverage and make it easier to cut through thicker branches. Similar to hand pruners, loppers come in various sizes and shapes, with some designed for specific types of trees or branches. They are also lightweight and easy to use, making them a popular tool among arborists.

However, they are not suitable for cutting through larger trees or trunks.

The Wood Chipper: Disposing of Tree Debris

Once a tree has been cut down, arborists must dispose of the debris properly. This is where a wood chipper comes in handy. This machine is designed to shred tree branches and trunks into small wood chips, making it easier to dispose of or use as mulch. Wood chippers come in various sizes and can handle different types of wood. Some are designed for residential use, while others are more heavy-duty and used by professional arborists.

When using a wood chipper, proper safety precautions must be followed to prevent accidents.

In Conclusion

As you can see, arborists use a variety of tools to safely and effectively cut down trees. From chainsaws to hand pruners, each tool has its own purpose and is essential for different types of tree removal tasks. However, it's important to remember that proper training and experience are necessary when using these tools to ensure the safety of both the arborist and the surrounding environment.

Jocelyn Caguimbal
Jocelyn Caguimbal

Incurable bacon aficionado. Social media maven. Freelance food ninja. Bacon fanatic. Total tv maven.