What are the methods of trimming?

Professionals refer to the head of branches or large trunks as saplings or trunks, and this is an inadequate pruning practice. In response to the fall of young branches and buds, new shoots appear from buds just below the cut.

What are the methods of trimming?

Professionals refer to the head of branches or large trunks as saplings or trunks, and this is an inadequate pruning practice. In response to the fall of young branches and buds, new shoots appear from buds just below the cut. Cutting is the key to good pruning. As a general rule, always trim a branch, twig or cocoon that points in the direction you want the tree to grow.

This method promotes healthy, controlled new growth. If you're not sure if you should remove a branch, don't cut it. You can always cut it later, but you can never put it back on.

Jocelyn Caguimbal
Jocelyn Caguimbal

Incurable bacon aficionado. Social media maven. Freelance food ninja. Bacon fanatic. Total tv maven.