Where Do Tree Climbers Make the Most Money?

Discover the top-paying states for tree climbers in the United States and the factors that affect their salaries. Find out where you can make the most money as a tree climber.

Where Do Tree Climbers Make the Most Money?

Tree climbing is a physically demanding and dangerous job that requires specialized skills and training. It involves scaling tall trees to prune, trim, or remove branches for various purposes such as landscaping, utility line maintenance, or emergency tree removal. While it may not be the most glamorous job, tree climbers play a crucial role in maintaining the health and safety of our urban and natural environments.

The Demand for Tree Climbers

With the increasing awareness of the importance of trees in our ecosystem, the demand for tree climbers has been on the rise. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the employment of tree trimmers and pruners is projected to grow 6% from 2019 to 2029, faster than the average for all occupations.

This growth is driven by the need to maintain and improve the appearance and health of trees in urban areas, as well as the need to clear trees around power lines and other infrastructure. Moreover, with the rise of extreme weather events such as hurricanes and wildfires, there is a growing demand for emergency tree removal services. This has created a lucrative market for skilled tree climbers who can safely and efficiently remove damaged or fallen trees.

The Factors Affecting Tree Climbers' Salaries

When it comes to determining where tree climbers make the most money, there are several factors at play. These include location, experience, certifications, and type of employer.


One of the most significant factors that affect tree climbers' salaries is their location. Generally, tree climbers in urban areas tend to make more money than those in rural areas.

This is because urban areas have a higher demand for tree services due to a larger number of trees and a higher concentration of people and infrastructure that require tree maintenance. Within the United States, the states with the highest employment levels for tree trimmers and pruners are California, Texas, Florida, New York, and Pennsylvania. These states also tend to have higher wages for tree climbers due to their high demand for tree services.


As with any job, experience plays a significant role in determining a tree climber's salary. Entry-level tree climbers typically earn less than those with several years of experience. This is because experienced climbers have honed their skills and can work more efficiently and safely, making them more valuable to employers. Moreover, experienced climbers are more likely to have a diverse set of skills, such as the ability to operate heavy machinery or perform specialized tasks like rigging and cabling.

These additional skills can also lead to higher pay.


Tree climbing is a hazardous job, and safety is of utmost importance. As such, many employers require their tree climbers to have specific certifications, such as the Tree Care Industry Association's (TCIA) Certified Tree Care Safety Professional (CTSP) or the International Society of Arboriculture's (ISA) Certified Arborist credential. Holding these certifications not only demonstrates a climber's knowledge and expertise but also shows their commitment to safety. As a result, certified tree climbers often earn higher salaries than those without certifications.

Type of Employer

The type of employer also plays a role in determining a tree climber's salary. While most tree climbers work for landscaping or tree service companies, some may also work for government agencies or utility companies. Generally, government agencies and utility companies tend to offer higher salaries and better benefits than private companies.

However, these positions may be more competitive and require additional qualifications, such as a commercial driver's license or specialized training.

The Top-Paying States for Tree Climbers

Based on the factors mentioned above, the top-paying states for tree climbers in the United States are California, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Washington.


California is the top-paying state for tree climbers, with an average annual salary of $50,000. The state also has the highest employment level for tree trimmers and pruners, with over 10,000 workers in this occupation. The high demand for tree services in California is driven by its large population and diverse landscape, which includes urban areas, forests, and agricultural land. Moreover, California has strict regulations for tree care companies, which require them to have certified arborists on staff. This creates a demand for skilled and certified tree climbers.

New York

New York is another top-paying state for tree climbers, with an average annual salary of $47,000.

The state has a high concentration of urban areas that require tree maintenance, as well as a significant number of trees in its rural areas. In addition to the high demand for tree services, New York also has strict regulations for tree care companies. For example, New York City requires all tree care workers to be licensed by the Department of Parks and Recreation. This creates a demand for skilled and licensed tree climbers.


Connecticut is known for its beautiful landscapes and abundance of trees. As such, there is a high demand for tree services in this state.

Tree climbers in Connecticut earn an average annual salary of $46,000. Moreover, Connecticut has strict regulations for tree care companies, which require them to have certified arborists on staff. This creates a demand for skilled and certified tree climbers.


Massachusetts is another top-paying state for tree climbers, with an average annual salary of $45,000. The state has a diverse landscape, including urban areas, forests, and coastal regions, which require tree maintenance. In addition to the high demand for tree services, Massachusetts also has strict regulations for tree care companies. For example, the state requires all tree care workers to be licensed by the Department of Conservation and Recreation.

This creates a demand for skilled and licensed tree climbers.


Washington is known for its lush forests and beautiful landscapes, making it a top-paying state for tree climbers. Tree climbers in Washington earn an average annual salary of $44,000. The state also has strict regulations for tree care companies, which require them to have certified arborists on staff. This creates a demand for skilled and certified tree climbers.

The Bottom Line

Tree climbing is a physically demanding and hazardous job that requires specialized skills and training. While salaries may vary depending on location, experience, certifications, and type of employer, the top-paying states for tree climbers in the United States are California, New York, Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Washington.

If you are considering a career as a tree climber, it is essential to research the job market in your area and invest in training and certifications to increase your earning potential.

Jocelyn Caguimbal
Jocelyn Caguimbal

Incurable bacon aficionado. Social media maven. Freelance food ninja. Bacon fanatic. Total tv maven.